
Country Cultivationtype Cultivation area  Inside | Outside Cultivation system Gutter type Additional Options
United Kingdom Strawberries - Inside Supported GM-17 -
Russia Tomatoes 82.800 Inside Suspended GM-07HD Including irrigation
Canada, Ontario Peppers 281.500 Inside Suspended GM-14 Including irrigation
United Kingdom Strawberries - Inside Supported GM-04H -
Canada Peppers 60.000 Inside Suspended GM-21 Including pipe rail supports
The Netherlands Strawberries - Inside Suspended GM-14 Including irrigation
The Netherlands Strawberries 52.777 Inside Tray Field GM – 8 HS Including long beams
Canada Strawberries 150.480 Inside Suspended GM-14 Including irrigation and pipe rail supports
Canada Cannabis - Inside Suspended GM-14 Including irrigation and pipe rail supports
United States, California Cut flowers 41.054 Inside Supported GM-22H Including pipe rail supports
China, Lijiang - 103.168 Inside Supported GM-18 Including pipe rail supports
Armenia Cut flowers 148.992 Inside Supported GM-18 -
United States, California - 166.000 Inside Supported GM – 04L -
Ethiopia Cut flowers - Inside Supported GM-12 -
Germany Raspberries 21.170 Outside Mini-Air GM-32 -


De Kruidenaer

De Kruidenaer的总部位于荷兰诺德布拉本特省的Etten-Leur,种植几种草药以及生菜和甜椒。其温室的总表面积约32.5公顷。


2019年开始,Meteor Systems在中国设立了分公司,我们的中国同事许君怡帮助中国客户认识和了解Meteor Systems的产品。

百益集团是我们在中国的重要合作伙伴。百益集团1992年在临夏成立,现在运营着中国西部的大型切花玫瑰项目。百益集团选择了Meteor Systems的创新种植解决方案。

Thwan van Gennip

Thwan van Gennip是一家家族企业,总部位于荷兰诺德布拉班特省的Lierop,为国际客户提供优质的草莓,芦笋,覆盆子和黑莓。